Licensed Practical Nurses in Florida May Help People with Viral Hepatitis

Did you know that each year, more than 1 million people across the globe will likely succumb to viral hepatitis?

There are a handful of virus variations and all are considered to be communicable. Each one of the variations may be passed from person-to-person via blood and some are transmittable through other bodily fluids as well.

Once a person comes into contact with the virus, outward symptoms may or may not make an appearance right away. Some of those symptoms may resolve themselves on their own. Others may require the services of Licensed Practical Nurses or other members of the healthcare community.

The majority of Florida’s Licensed Practical Nurses are familiar with viral hepatitis A through E. However, they tend to work most often with Floridians that have B, C and D forms of the virus. That’s because those versions tend to require the administration of FDA-approved substances like Hep B immune globulin, pegylated interferon, ribavirin and other select antiviral drugs.

Two of the three forms may also be prevented from occurring with the administration of select vaccinations. Licensed Practical Nurses are capable of providing in-home patients with information about the vaccinations as well as administering the shots to those individuals that need them

The other forms of viral hepatitis, although not treated in the same way, may also be addressed by Licensed Practical Nurses through the use of patient education, infection control procedures and symptom management. Symptoms commonly associated with the virus’ various forms are fever, gastrointestinal distress, fatigue and jaundice. They are typically treated at home with temporary diet changes, light therapy, bed rest and other methods.

To uncover additional ways Florida’s Licensed Practical Nurses may help people diagnosed with, or at risk of contracting viral hepatitis, please contact us at Best Care. Our first-rate team of healthcare professionals is willing and able to help provide in-home care to viral hepatitis patients living in Palm Beach, Broward and Dade Counties.

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