Benefits of Recovery Care After Treatment

When treatment is finished enough to let you or your loved one leave the hospital, the first thing on your minds is to just get home, where the food is good and no one will wake you up multiple times a night. Recovery care after treatment may be the last thing on your mind but it can help people a great deal. Recovered enough to leave the hospital doesn’t mean completely well. There’s still more healing to do and help at home can support that.

Some people who come directly home after surgeries or hospitalizations end up re-injuring themselves or ripping out stitches. Unless a family member is available 24/7 to help them, they’re forced to do what they need to do even if it hurts or they know they’re not ready yet. Driving restrictions post discharge are also common. Sliding behind the wheel early out of necessity can end in an accident. It’s better to have help on hand to avoid the temptation.

While it would be rare to enjoy hospital food, the real food people envision at home takes prep work and cooking. Standing up long enough to do that while you’re still in pain or dizzy from meds or not feeling well can be very difficult. There’s a mess to clean up when you’re done eating too. Many people resort to instant or convenience foods for simplicity and the lack of nutritional content slows down their recovery.

Recovery care can also reduce the risk of infections from improper wound care after a surgery. The nurses explained how to do it before you left the hospital but sometimes it’s still easier to let a professional handle it than it is to fumble with it yourself. A professional is less likely to forget a vital step and is more likely to maintain sterile wound care.

If you or your loved one is on new medications from the treatment, recovery care can help establish the medication routine for you. As you move around more than you did in the hospital, you may experience different side effects, such as dizziness, which were not a problem while you were still in bed. Many people get sent home with recommendations for lifestyle changes, such as a change in diet or exercise. Care waiting for you at home can help you begin to establish these habits.

For more information about how we can help you or your loved one after your medical treatment, contact us.

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