The Many Benefits of Meditation for Seniors and their Caregivers

Most of us think of spirituality when we hear the term meditation. People have been using meditation for thousands of years to heighten their sense of purpose and connection to the universe. But did you know that the benefits of meditation extend beyond spirituality to include your physical and emotional well-being?

There are many different types of meditation. These are some of the more commonly used forms of meditation:

  • Guided meditation: a form of sensory visualization in which imagery is used to achieve a state of relaxation
  • Mantra meditation: a word or phrase is silently repeated to achieve a state with no distracting thoughts
  • Mindfulness meditation: conscious awareness is used to focus on the experience of meditation to increase awareness of living in the present moment
  • Transcendental meditation: a mantra is used to achieve a state of profound relaxation and inner peace without effort

There is much evidence that meditation has specific benefits for seniors. According to the EOC Institute, meditation can improve long- and short-term memory, circulation, digestive and lung function, and the immune system. The renowned Mayo Clinic reports that meditation can help in managing such conditions as cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and pain. There have even been studies linking meditation with decreased loneliness and lower health care costs among seniors.

Meditation is beneficial not only for seniors but for their caregivers as well. Caring for an elderly loved one can be a demanding and stressful task. Both the Centers for Disease Control and the Mayo Clinic endorse meditation as a relaxation technique for reducing stress. In fact, the Mayo Clinic reports that meditation can improve your outlook on stressful situations, increase stress management skills, and reduce negative emotions.

Meditation is a simple and effective way for both seniors and their caregivers to reduce stress and improve their physical and emotional well-being. Quality home health care services can also enhance well-being for seniors and their caregivers. Please contact us to learn more about the professional and compassionate home care services available through Best Care.

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