Pets: Companions for the Elderly

If you have an elderly friend or family member, then you have probably wondered from time to time if they ever get lonely. One way to make sure they never get lonely is to invest in companions for the elderly. One great companion that will always be around for your friend  or family member would undoubtedly have to be a pet. To learn the benefits of the elderly having a pet as a companion, read on.

Fewer Feeling of Loneliness

One reason that you should consider a pet as a companion for the elderly is because having one can decrease feelings of loneliness. About 50 percent of people consider their pets to be companions rather than just property. About 97 percent of people even talk to their pets.

Fewer Allergies

Another reason that you should consider having pet as a companion for the elderly is because having them means that the elder in question will have fewer allergies. This is because early exposure to animals desensitizes you from the allergens that a cat or dog might carry.

More Compatibility Among Humans

Lastly, you should also consider getting your elder an animal because having one increases compatibility among humans. In a study, it was found that, while working with a dog as well as other people, people trusted other people more.

These are just a couple of reasons why you should consider getting your elderly loved one a cat or a dog. Because not only will your loved one feel less lonely, but they will be more healthy as well. If you have any questions, please contact us.

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